The world – not just Europe – is hungry for superfoods!

The latest insights into consumer shopping behaviours indicate a revolutionary change in the way supermarkets is stocking their merchandise. Superfoods are in. They have rapidly taken over more shelf space every year.

In Europe, demand for nutrient-rich superfoods such as nuts, seeds, fruits, honey, fermented products and plant extracts have soared. The trend has escalated worldwide, all the way to the Asia Pacific.

According to Today’s Dietician which conducted a survey of “What’s Trending in Nutrition”, consumers today equate well-being with what they put into their stomachs. There is a shift in dietary trends – moving towards healthy nutrition. 2,050 registered dietitian nutritionists who participated in the poll attested to the outlook of 2018’s plant-based “clean eating” lifestyle. Even exotic plants such as goji berries, chia seeds and moringa have joined the ranks of the superfoods. This is all in the race towards the “Healthy-ish” trend.

Supermarkets in Europe today see their shelves laden with plenty of superfood selections, not just from Europe but from all over the globe. “Healthy-ish” is a more relaxed attitude to wellness that allows indulgences and more flexible diets, and considers the enjoyment of food to be as important as the health benefits – New Wellness Foods 2018 report by leading trend authority, WGSN.

A recent McKinsey survey of 23,000 European shoppers revealed that retail sales of “ordinary” superfoods such as bananas and apples have continued to rise by 10% even in a slow market. The insights note that European consumers look for top quality fresh-produce, not just opting for “fresh”.

Top 10 Superfoods for 2018 from the Pollock Communications and Today’s Dietitian What’s Trending in Nutrition Survey (PRNewsfoto/Pollock Communications, Today’s)


Following a sugar guideline issued by the World Health Organisation, several European countries are reviewing their public health policy measures to lower sugar intake in their population. This year, UK has even come up with a new sugary drinks tax.

New research on the effectiveness of superfoods such as the beetroot where tests showed positive improvement in blood pressure and athletic performance, saw UK’s five largest supermarkets increase their beetroot supplies by 20% over a single year in 2015. The export of the superfood maca from Peru increased by 40-50% in 2014 while camu camu exports to Germany and the UK increased by 95% and 75% in 2015. The figures are still rising.

As European consumers bank on superfoods as a healthy choice, there are plenty of opportunities for superfoods with a rich nutritional composition and potential health benefits. The Guardian in 2014 even reported that 61% of UK consumers made their purchase decision when the food was labelled as a superfood.

“Self-care” seems to be the buzzword. Consumers are evaluating their dietary habits. Many are reducing fibre intake and consumption of highly processed foods and adding their consumption of superfoods.

Superfoods, after all, bank on the promise of health benefits. These are nutrient powerhouses for vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals. Some superfoods claim to be effective in preventing cardiovascular diseases while increasing metabolism and boosting weight loss.

A report from Technorati also supports that health benefits are key growth drivers. Its market research analysts estimate that the superfoods market will grow steadily at a CAGR close to 16% by 2022.


Manufacturers from non-food industries have leapt onto the bandwagon. The influx of food and beverage products with a superfood label has increased by over 200 times!

Interestingly, superfood ingredients are not only reigning high in the kitchen. Thanks to science and innovation, there is also a sharp rise in the demand for “better-for-you” superfood ingredients in health and beauty products.

Superfoods such as acai berry and the common African baobab are added to cosmetics. The convergence of cosmetic ingredients and nutritious superfoods is incredible! Average annual spend by consumers in skincare is expected to rise from 73 Euros in 2017 to 487 Euros by 2022.

Nielsen’s Future of Beauty report even states that the number of personal care products with claims of containing a superfood has increased by over 1000% from 2016 to 2017.

This is no fad, as savvy consumers, today take a more holistic view of their lifestyles and focusing on wellness as a way of life. It is no longer about the food we eat, but also about the products we use on the face and body, as well as supporting natural and sustainable food sources.

By the look of it, there is plenty of opportunities for companies playing the field in this space. Producers, manufacturers and retail buyers competing in the superfoods industry have the potential to not only contribute to the wellness revolution but importantly cash in on this rapidly growing superfood wave.

The superfood wave is here. Are you ready to leverage and capitalise on it?

Superfood Asia 2019

The only trade exhibition dedicated to Healthy & Natural Products and Halal F&B Products
Singapore – Marina Bay Sands Expo and Convention Centre
24th – 26th April 2019

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